Assignemnt #120, Programs that Write to Files


    public class Receipt {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            PrintWriter fileOut;
            Scanner k = new Scanner(;
            double price = 5.59, g, total;
            System.out.print("How many gallons? ");
            g = k.nextDouble();
            total = (g * price);
            try {
                fileOut = new PrintWriter("receipt.txt");
            } catch(IOException e) {
                System.out.println("Sorry, I can't open the file 'receipt.txt' for editing.");
                System.out.println("Maybe the file exists and is read-only?");
                fileOut = null;
            fileOut.println( "+------------------------+" );
            fileOut.println( "|                        |" );
            fileOut.println( "|     CORNER STORE       |" );
            fileOut.println( "|                        |" );
            fileOut.println( "| 2016-01-25 04:38PM     |" );
            fileOut.println( "|                        |" );
            fileOut.println( "| Gallons: " + g + "          |" );
            fileOut.println( "| Price/gallon: $ " + price + "   |" );
            fileOut.println( "|                        |" );
            fileOut.println( "| Fuel total: $ " + total + "    |" );
            fileOut.println( "|                        |" );
            fileOut.println( "+------------------------+" );


Picture of the output

Assignment 120